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Judging by the number of super-maneuverable bombers tracking Russian warplanes, it appears that Russia is trying harder to develop them to be more effective than the United States. Why this?
Vectored Thrust Aircraft
Yes, you can include the MV-22 Osprey, Harrier, and F-35B as trust vectoring, but I'm talking about trust vectoring for proper use, not STOVL.
Aircraft Controls: Thrust Vectoring
It's a question of many kinds, and you won't know the answer without asking why current airplanes are designed the way they are.
After the work of Col. John Boyd in the 1960s to develop the 'Power-Maneuverability Theory', the United States and its allies mainly design fighter jets and tactics around the idea that specific aircraft power defines their performance in the basic phase of combat (dog fighting).
According to the theory of E-M, in order for a fighter to survive (thus win) during air combat, he must continue to use extraordinary energy in his training - this means that he has potential energy (altitude), or kinetic energy (velocity) ), and must aim to maintaining the ability to trade one for another effectively. In vertical friction only, it is easy to calculate, but in transverse friction, it causes the drag and change of forces from the plane, and the E-M theory allows this function to be approximated to a certain one. design or trick.
For this reason, America's 4th Gen fighters such as the F-15, F-16, and F-18 are designed primarily to conserve power in all flight regimes - high climb power (getting power through altitude) and maintaining speed (winning drag . in turning), low wing loading (low energy loss due to drag), and good flight in the envelope of the planned battle (reducing all drag in the subsonic regime), and their tactics emphasize the use of energy, more than anything else. your efforts in a tough way to 'get the pearl' on your first bogey.
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The practical effect of this is that if your first attack fails, you still have enough energy to defeat your opponent and either stand for another attack, or run away. The result is, if your kinetic energy is higher than your opponent's (speed) you can't change as much as he can - but the hope is your strong ability to lead in 3 dimensions and the power to give you the upper hand to make a second attack - normally, this would be considered a 'boom' trick and zoom'.
In contrast, the Chinese designers focused on 'Supermaneuverability', the ability of the aircraft to remain within the controllable envelope, outside the control envelope of the aircraft. This is facilitated by the 'funny' fighter jets like the MiG-29, Su-27 and Su-33, and the airlift you mentioned in the OP. It allows multiple angles of attack at low speed (low power) - in order to allow the pilot to steer their aircraft towards the opponent to facilitate the release of the weapon - this is the 'shoot first' strategy. Even if your shot misses, you force your opponent to defend, giving you the power to fire a second shot, often facilitated by long-range missiles like the R-73.
As the speed decreases, so does the turning radius - however the flight control decreases at higher speeds. Thrust vectoring allows you to overcome reduced flight control authority - your ability to change flight behavior is now less dependent on ground air traffic control. So using supermaneuverability, you don't have to outrun your opponent, just direct the plane in a completely different direction than you are flying, maybe you can 'shoot' with missiles or guns. A common equivalent is the 'turn and burn' tactic.
The practical side effect of this strategy is that you can hit your target and get the first shot, but if that shot misses, you now have no power (because you are bleeding because of the strong pull in the high alpha level), and you can be egg sitting on your opponent's opponent - no speed you have to run, you lose altitude, all you have to do is push, and push slowly to regain momentum. You can roll in one spot and keep shooting, but if your opponent uses their energy to run, you won't have the energy to run.
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So, why did America ignore the conflict in the first place? Because it's not a tactic for them. The West tried its best to end the Cold War with aircraft like the X-31 and F-15 ACTIVE, and after getting their hands on the MiG-29 and Su-27 at the end of the war, they, too, decided that the benefits of ' 'supermaneuverability' was inappropriate, while E-M based tactics could only be combined to defeat it. One exception is the F-22 - a pre-Wall fighter jet designed specifically to counter what Western strategists thought the MiG-29 and Su-27 could do - the designs of which fell apart a few years ago.
The F-22 is far from the only example of an American TVC, although it is the only design to receive commercialization.
It was delayed, and the Su-37 never entered production. So far, only a few of the three have been built.
The Su-30MKI is built for India, not the Russian military (see Su-30 for the Russian variant). It doesn't use real 3D TVC, instead
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The Su-35 is the only one [on that list] of the most Russian-made, and very few of them.
Also note that the Su-30/35/37 are all part of the same Su-27 family. In fact, the Su-37s were recently converted to the Su-35. And the MiG-35 was derived from the MiG-29. That's why there aren't many clean designs made with TVCs.
By comparison, the US list above includes four different industries and six clean designs (plus only one source), half of which contain original TVC results (rather than just adaptations).
Apart from flying many TVC fighters, it is very popular in the media. The Russians always love to talk about their "wonder weapons," and the American media doesn't disappoint. People said things like "Russian fighters turned into F-22s, American stealth is fake, US fighter jet is fake." It sold well.
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In contrast, America's newest fighter, the F-35, does not have a TVC. Because it is A) America's only new fighter since the Super Hornet (besides the aforementioned F-22) and B) it has replaced many a/c (F-16, F-18, AV-8B, and maybe a few A-10s.), this This means that most of the US fighters do not have TVCs. On the other hand, if the JSF program offers 3 completely different a/c, at least one of them might include a TVC (though unlikely in my opinion).
Again, the Russian TVC work is still alive and fresh in people's minds, while the American projects mentioned above are old and seem to have disappeared from the public.
Russia has developed the Su-27 and MiG-29 families in response to the F-15, F-16, and F-18, which is a quantum leap in the capabilities of their predecessors, such as the F-4, F-5, Mirage , and the series of the century. The F-16 has a high turning speed, and the F-15 has a powerful engine on a large wing.
But their first engagement with the F-15 left the Mirage pilots shaking their heads. The Mirage ace with fourteen kills described his first combat in the F-15 as a pilot who left the F-15 training school for the writer. "The rules said he couldn't use his AIM-7, so the fight started with a pass to the head. I started to turn and he came towards me. I saw him make three or four turns. I could have easily taken advantage of him if he was a normal fighter, but I had no power to fight back. F-15. He shot me down in forty seconds. I'm too old and out of time." - Major Rebellion: How the Air Force Changed After Vietnam, by Marshall L. Michel III
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The Su-27 was designed to be perfect. TVC helped achieve that [or at least tried to].
TVC is useful for very low speeds and high alpha, where it is normally well controlled. So it's good for dogfighting---closer distances, slower speeds, more turns.
However, the use of TVC comes at the cost of promotion (and attraction and weight), which is explained in the video above. Outside of that envelope (where the control works best), TVC doesn't see much use.
Unfortunately for TVC, the engagement distance is getting bigger and bigger, and as the fight scene is getting smaller and smaller, that kind of action style is getting old. New technologies and techniques make it more difficult to approach the former: AWACS, advanced warfare radar (long range, look down/fire), BVR ID (non-profit target recognition), communication, networking, and innovation. improved missiles (higher reliability, improved resistance, fire and forget, datalink). The BVR war has ended for years.
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